Our GALA was a Success!
Our WATCCH GALA was a success! It would not have been possible without each and everyone who came to support our ongoing, humanitarian...

Help Us Jump Start Our Engraved Brick Fundraiser
Super Excited to Announce Our New Brick Fundraiser! This year we announced that we are transforming into a community development...
Who Wants To Win A PlayStation 4?
Who Wants To WIN A PlayStation 4? Our organization is so grateful to be able to partner with Macy's "Shop For Our Cause Event!" We are...

Malaria Kills 1200 Children A Day!
So our hearts are heavy this morning😢 Dennis has malaria and his malaria is so aggressive that he is shaking and fainting. Malaria kills...

Fundraiser Canceled
Hey Everyone, we were approached by Genghis grill over two months ago. We selected a date May 13th and felt everything was in order. As...

Check Out Our New T-Shirts
Impacting the lives of children in Bududa, Uganda. Please, give towards a child in need. We have started a New T-Shirt Campaign!!! Buy a...